EYA, through its various development affiliates, has been recognized with over 300 major awards since 1992—more awards than any other builder in the Washington Metropolitan Area during the same time period. EYA neighborhoods have not only been recognized locally, but have been honored with some of the most prestigious national awards for community design and livability.
The Laureate has been awarded the 2024 Jack Kemp Award for Excellence in Affordable and Workforce Housing. Presented by the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Terwilliger Center for Housing, this national award recognizes exemplary developments that demonstrate innovation and creativity in expanding affordable and workforce housing opportunities.
Modeled after the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, the NHQ Award represents the housing industry’s highest recognition for achievements in total quality management and is given by the NAHB and Professional Builder Magazine.
2015—Winner, Gold
Each year, a panel of industry experts honors America's Best Builders, by looking for a holistic approach to managing every step of the home buying experience—which ultimately drives customer satisfaction. EYA has proudly been named America's Best Builder not once, but twice. In 2009, judges applauded EYA's commitment to distinctive home design, building in locations offering life within walking distance®, and industry-leading results in homebuyer willingness-to-refer.
2009—America's Best Builder
2000—America's Best Builder
Sponsored by BUILDER magazine, this annual award is presented to one U.S. home builder and two architectural firms who are raising the bar for the housing industry through innovative building practices and who demonstrate a commitment to environmentally-friendly construction and design excellence.
2016—Marvin Hall of Fame Award for Design Excellence
The Gold Nugget Awards is the oldest and most prestigious design competition in the nation. Industry leaders praise projects which improve our communities through excellence in design, planning and development.
2024—Award of Merit, Best Multi-Family Housing Community (100-200 du/Acre), The Laureate
2023—Award of Merit, Best Infill Site Plan Solution, The Townhomes at Graham Park
2021—Grand Award, Best Infill Site Plan Solution, Robinson Landing
2021—Award of Merit, Best Multi-Family Housing Community 30-60 du/acres, Robinson Landing
2018—Award of Merit, Best Multi-Family Housing Community Under 15 du/acres, The Brownstones at Chevy Chase Lake
2016—Award of Merit, Sustainable Residential Community, Grosvenor Heights
2016—Award of Merit, Best Multi-Family Housing Community Under 18 du/acres, Little Falls Place
2013—Grand Award, Best Multifamily Housing Project, 30-60 units/acre, Capitol Quarter
2013—Award of Merit, Best Residential Project of the Year, Capitol Quarter
2013—Award of Merit, Best On-The-Boards Site Plan, Capitol Quarter
2013—Best On-The-Boards Mixed Use Project, Shady Grove Station
The Urban Land Institute Awards for Excellence are given annually to recognize development projects worldwide that exemplify superior design, relevance to contemporary issues and needs, and resourceful use of land while improving the quality of the built environment. This award is recognized internationally as the highest possible industry accolade.
2024—The Laureate—Winner—"Jack Kemp Excellence in Affordable and Workforce Housing"
2019—The Lindley—Winner—"Jack Kemp Excellence in Affordable and Workforce Housing"
2014—Old Town Commons—Finalist—"Jack Kemp Workforce Housing Models of Excellence"
2010—Capitol Quarter—Winner—"Jack Kemp Workforce Housing Models of Excellence"
2006—Chatham Square—Finalist—"Small-Scale Residential"
2002—Harrison Square—Finalist—"Small-Scale Residential"
1999—Old Town Village—Finalist—"Small-Scale Residential"
1998—Courthouse Hill—Winner—"Small-Scale Residential"
1997—Courthouse Hill—Finalist—"Small-Scale Residential"
The ULI Trends Awards honor projects representing creative and collaborative development trends occurring around the country in areas such as innovation, sustainability, design excellence and more.
2015 & 2018—Mosaic District—"Excellence in Mixed-Use Development"
2015—Capitol Quarter/Capper Carrollsburg Dwellings—"Impact Award"
The Best in American Living Awards are sponsored by the National Association of Home Builders and Professional Builder magazine. Considered by its sponsors as the nation's foremost residential design award competition, the program pays tribute to those across the United States who produce homes which illustrate design quality success in the marketplace, and exemplify the "Best in American Living." Judges will consider homes that demonstrate practical and functional livability of the floor plan, construction quality, and cost efficiency.
2024—Tysons Ridge—Silver Award "Best On-The-Boards Community"
2023—EYA Co-Founders Bob Youngentob & Terry Eakin inducted into the BALA Hall of Fame
2021—Robinson Landing—Platinum Award "Infill Community"
2021—Robinson Landing—Platinum Award "Multifamily Development 4-7 Stories"
2019—Robinson Landing—Gold Award "Attached Homes/Townhouses"
2017—The Brownstones at Chevy Chase Lake—Platinum Award "Attached Homes/Townhouses"
2016—Grosvenor Heights—Gold Award "Attached Homes/Townhouses"
2014—The Oronoco—Platinum Award "Best Multifamily Adaptive Reuse Project"
2014—The Oronoco—Winner, Middle Atlantic Region Project
2013—The Oronoco—Gold Award "Best On-the-Boards Project"
2013—Old Town Commons—Gold Award "Neighborhood of the Year"
2007—Arts District Hyattsville—"Best Urban Smart Growth Neighborhood"
2007—The Brownstones at Park Potomac—"Best Attached Home Design"
2005—Chatham Square—Gold Award "Best Urban Smart Growth Neighborhood/Community"
2005—Chatham Square—Silver Award "Best Attached Urban, Infill"
2005—Chatham Square—Silver Award "Best Community 151 Units and Over"
2004—Bryan Square—The Independence—Gold Award "Best Attached Urban, Infill
2002—Fallsgrove—The Tuckerman—Middle Atlantic Region—Winner
2002—Fallsgrove—The Tuckerman—Gold Award "Best Attached Home, 9 to 19 Units Per Acre"
2002—Clarendon Park—The Windsor—Silver Award "Best Attached Home, 20 Units Per Acre and Over"
1998—Old Town Village—Courtyard Homes—Platinum Award "Best Community 151 Units and Over"
1998—Old Town Village—Courtyard Homes—Silver Award "Best Attached Home Up to 8 Units Per Acres"
1996—Palisades Park—Merit Award "Best Attached Home Over 15 Units Per Acre"
2014 Gold Award: On the Boards, Little Falls Place
2013 Gold Award: Urban Infill, Chancellor's Row
The National Sales and Marketing Awards have given annual recognition to the best in the nation for new homes sales and marketing. The competition is presented by the National Sales & Marketing Council of NAHB. The awards are judged by a panel of home building experts selected within their discipline and with geographic diversity.
2024—Tara Rosenberg & Simone Bucany—Silver Award "Online Sales Team of the Year"
2019—Astrid De Lima—Gold Award "Online Sales Counselor of the Year"
2019—Robinson Landing—Silver Award "Best Multifamily Model Home"
2017—Grosvenor Heights—Silver Award "Best Architectural Design of an Attached Home Plan"
2015—EYA Lifestyle Video—Gold Award "Best TV Commercial"
2015—Little Falls Place—Silver Award "Attached Community of the Year"
2015—Mosaic District—Silver Award "Best Architectural Design of an Attached Community"
2015—Little Falls Place—Silver Award "Best Architectural Design of an Attached Community"
2015—Little Falls Place—Silver Award "Best Architectural Design of an Attached Home Plan"
2015—Michael Sibilia—Silver Award "Sales Person of the Year"
2015—Yumin Chung & David Ortiz—Silver Award "Sales Team of the Year"
2014—Mosaic District—Silver Award "Best Architectural Design of an Attached Home Plan"
2014—Chancellor's Row—Silver Award "Attached Community of the Year"
2014—Adam Cetron—Silver Award "Sales Person of the Year"
2014—Jennifer McIvor—Gold Award "Marketing Director of the Year"
Arts District Hyattsville—Regional Award—"Best Attached Home—$400,000 to $600,000"
Old Town Village—Regional Award—"Best Attached Home—$200,000 & over"
Old Town Village—Silver Award—"Best Attached Home—$200,000 & over"
The MFE Awards highlight multifamily projects that demonstrate outstanding design, architecture, creativity and inventiveness.
2024—The Laureate—Award of Merit, Mixed-Income Category
2019—The Lindley—Award of Merit, Mixed-Income Category
2014—Best Use of a Public-Private Partnership
Old Town Commons
2006 Chatham Square—"Grand Award Production"
2006 Chatham Square—"Project of the Year—Attached Townhome Community"
2006 Brownstone of Park Potomac—"Merit Award—Townhomes 2000 square feet or more"
1998 Old Town Village—"Grand Award Production"
The LOCUS Leadership Awards honor developers and investors who have demonstrated exemplary commitment to public leadership, smart growth development, and furthering our mission of advocating for sustainable, walkable urban development.
2018—Company of the Year
2016—Honorable Mention, Company of the Year
The Pillars of the Industry Awards are sponsored by The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). Judges evaluated entries from the entire nation on the basis of exterior, unit and site design, broad appeal to market demographics, comfortable floor plans with superior finishes, and quality of common areas and amenities.
2014—The Oronoco Waterfront Residences—Best Adaptive Reuse Community of the Year
2006—Chatham Square—Winner—Best Urban Site Plan of the Year
2006—Chatham Square—Winner—Best For-Sale Multifamily Community of the Year 15–40 units per acre.
2005—Bryan Square—Winner—"Best For—Sale Multifamily Community of the Year 15–40 Units Per Acre"
1997—Towns of Courthouse Hill—Finalist—"Best Townhome Project"
1996—Palisasdes Park—Finalist—"Best Townhome Project"
The W³ Awards honors creative excellence on the web, and recognizes the creative and marketing professionals behind award winning sites, videos and marketing programs.
2014—EYA Lifestyle Video—Design by Grafik—Gold Award, Animation
The Aurora Awards are affiliated with the Southeast Builders Conference and the Florida Home Builders Association as one of the two regional trade shows recognized by and affiliated with the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). The Aurora Awards are presented in August to builders, developer, architects, planners, interior merchandisers, landscape architects and other disciplines actively involved in projects in a 10-state southeastern region who have demonstrated build and design excellence.
2007—Brownstones at Park Potomac—"Best Attached Home" Grand Aurora Award
2006—Chatham Square—"Best Residential Development Under 100 Acres" Grand Aurora Award
2006—Chatham Square—"Best of State—Virginia, Residential Development-under 100 acres" Grand Aurora Award
2006—Chatham Square—"Best Residential Development"—under 100 acres
1999—Old Town Village—"Best Residential Development"
1999—Old Town Village—"Best in State—Virginia"
1998—Old Town Village—Courtyard Home—"Attached For-Sale Housing $301,000—$500,000"
1998—Old Town Village—Courtyard Home—"Best in State-Virginia" 1998—Old Town Village—Courtyard Home—"
1998—Phoenix Award—Recognizing “Exemplary Achievement and Revitalization"
1998—Old Town Village—Courtyard Home—"1998 Grand Aurora Award"
2019—The Lindley
The GALA program (formerly MAME and Monument) is the most prestigious residential design, sales, and marketing competition in the metropolitan Washington market. Builders, developers, architects, sales, marketing, merchandising, and advertising professionals have judged these awards for more than 50 years and to win a GALA is considered the "best of the best."
2024—Tysons Ridge—"Winner, Innovative Land Planning"
2024—The Laureate—"Winner, Design & Architecture, Multi-Family, New Construction, Mixed Use"
2024—Tysons Ridge—"Award of Merit, Design & Architecture, Attached $1,000,000 - $1,399,999"
2023—The Townhomes at Graham Park—"Winner, Innovative Land Planning"
2023—The Townhomes at Graham Park—"Winner, Design & Architecture, Attached $700,000 - $849,999"
2022—The Townhomes at Reston Station—"Winner, Innovative Land Planning"
2022—The Townhomes at Reston Station—"Winner, Design & Architecture, Attached $1,000,000 - $1,399,999"
2022—Westside at Shady Grove Metro Clubhouse—"Winner, Design & Architecture, Free-Standing Clubhouse"
2021—Robinson Landing—"Winner, Community of the Year"
2021—Robinson Landing—"Winner, Design & Architecture, Multifamily New Construction"
2021—Robinson Landing—"Winner, Innovative Land Planning"
2021—The CORE at Tower Oaks—"Award of Merit, Design & Architecture, Free-Standing Clubhouse"
2020—Tower Oaks—"Winner, Design & Architecture, Attached $700,001 - $850,000"
2017—The Brownstones at Chevy Chase Lake
2017—The Brownstones at Chevy Chase Lake—"Winner, Design & Architecture, Attached Over $850,000"
2017—Montgomery Row—"Winner, Design & Architecture, Attached $700,001- $850,000"
2016—Nick Yannitello, Outstanding Salesperson, Attached Home Over $500,000
2016—Adam Cetron and Michael Sibilia, Sales Team of the Year, Over $500,000
2016—Westside at Shady Grove Metro—"Winner, Design & Architecture, Attached $600,001-$700,000"
2016—Westside at Shady Grove Metro—"Winner, Design & Architecture, Attached $700,001-$850,000"
2016—Grosvenor Heights—"Winner, Design & Architecture, Attached Over $850,000"
2016—Grosvenor Heights—"Winner, Innovative Land Planning"
2015—Nick Yannitello, Outstanding Salesperson, Attached Home Over $500,000
2015—David Ortiz and Yumin Chung, Sales Team of the Year
2015—Little Falls Place—"Winner, Design & Architecture, Over $850,000"
2015—Westside at Shady Grove Metro—"Winner, Innovative Land Planning"
2015—Little Falls Place—"Winner, Outstanding Architectural Feature"
2014—Little Falls Place—"Winner, Best Green Building"
2014—The Oronoco—"Winner, Outstanding Living Space"
2014—The Oronoco—"Winner, Best Adaptive Reuse"
2014—The Oronoco—"Winner, Best Multifamily Conversion"
2014—Arts District Hyattsville—"Winner, Interior Design, Attached $350,000-$400,000"
2014—EYA and Grafik Marketing—"Winner, Best Video"
2014—EYA, Tammy Petrillo—"Outstanding Salesperson, Attached Homes"
2014—EYA, Michael Siblia—"Outstanding Salesperson, Attached Homes"
2014—EYA, Adam Cetron—"Million Dollar Club"
2014—EYA, David Ortiz—"Million Dollar Club"
2014—EYA, Philip Salin—"Million Dollar Club"
2014—EYA, Michael Sibilia—"Million Dollar Club"
2014—EYA, Sylvia Mader—"Million Dollar Club"
2014—EYA, Nick Yannitello—"Million Dollar Club"
2014—EYA, Yumin Chung—"Million Dollar Club"
2014—EYA, Tammy Petrillo—"Million Dollar Club"
2013—OId Town Commons—"Winner, Outstanding Sales Team"
2012—Mosaic District—"Best Designed Architecture, Attached Home: The Aster"
2012—Mosaic District—"Best Designed Architecture, Attached Home: The Bryant"
2012—Mosaic District—"Innovative Infill Land Planning"
2012—EYA, Adam Cetron—"Million Dollar Club"
2012—EYA, David Ortiz—"Million Dollar Club"
2012—EYA, Phil Salin—"Million Dollar Club"
2012—EYA, Michael Sibilia—"Million Dollar Club"
2012—EYA, Sylvia Mader—"Million Dollar Club"
2012—EYA, Nick Yannitello—"Million Dollar Club"
2011—Old Town Commons—"Best Interior Merchandising, Over $700,000: The Duncan"
2011—Old Town Commons—"Best Designed Architecture, Over $700,000: The Duncan"
2011—Chancellor's Row—"Best Interior Merchandising, $500-600K: The Barton"
2011—Chancellor's Row—"Best Interior Merchandising, $600-700K: The Dupont"
2011—Chancellor's Row—"Innovative Infill Land Planning"
2011—Chancellor's Row—"Community of the Year" Grand Award
2011—Centerpointe - "Best Interior Merchandising—Carlyn and Company"
2011—EYA, Adam Cetron—"Million Dollar Club"
2011—EYA, David Ortiz—"Million Dollar Club"
2011—EYA, Phil Salin—"Million Dollar Club"
2011—EYA, Michael Sibilia—"Million Dollar Club"
2011—EYA, Sylvia Mader—"Million Dollar Club"
2011—EYA, Nick Yannitello—"Million Dollar Club"
2010—Old Town Commons—"Best Green Community"
2010—Old Town Commons—"Most Innovative Infill Neighborhood"
2010—Arts District Hyattsville—"Best Mixed Use Design"
2010—Capitol Quarter—"Best Sales & Construction Team"
2009—EYA Founders Terry Eakin and Bob Youngentob - "Lifetime Achievement" Grand Award
2009—Capitol Quarter—"Best Interior Merchandising—P Four Design"
2009—Centerpointe—"Best Interior Merchandising—Carlyn and Company"
2009—Capitol Quarter—"Best Innovative Infill Land Planning"
2009—Capitol Quarter, Award of Merit—"Best Green Community, Energy Efficiency"
2018 Prince Livable Communities Leadership Award—Bob Youngentob
2024—EYA voted a Top Workplace in the Small Company category
2021—EYA voted a Top Workplace in the Small Company category
2014—EYA voted #5 Top Workplace in the Small Company category
2022—EYA voted #5 Top Workplace
2015 Winner—Best Residential Builder
2014 Winner—Best Residential Builder
2013 Winner—Best Residential Builder
2013 Winner—Best Real Estate Developer
2020 Winner "Reader's Pick"—The Brownstones at Chevy Chase Lake—Best New Townhome Community
2020 Runner-Up "Top Vote Getter"—Montgomery Row—Best New Townhome Community
2020 Runner-Up "Top Vote Getter"—Grosvenor Heights—Best New Townhome Community
2020 Runner-Up "Top Vote Getter"—The Lindley—Best New Luxury Apartments
2019 Winner "Reader's Pick"—Grosvenor Heights—Best Luxury Townhome Community
2019 Runner-Up "Top Vote Getter"—Montgomery Row—Best Luxury Townhome Community
2019 Runner-Up "Top Vote Getter"—The Brownstones at Chevy Chase Lake—Best Luxury Townhome Community
2019 Runner-Up "Top Vote Getter"—Park Potomac—Best Luxury Townhome Community
2018 Winner "Reader's Pick"—Grosvenor Heights—Best New Townhome Community
2018 Runner-Up "Top Vote Getter"—Montgomery Row—Best New Townhome Community
2018 Runner-Up "Top Vote Getter"—The Brownstones at Chevy Chase Lake—Best New Townhome Community
2016 Winner "Reader's Pick"—Grosvenor Heights—Best New Townhome Community
The Monument Awards (formerly Finest For Family Living Awards) are sponsored annually by the Northern Virginia, Suburban Maryland, and Washington, D.C. Builders Associations and are the "ultimate industry recognition of the art of designing and building homes that meet the most demanding criteria—homes that are the very best in their class." The Monument Award judges, a panel of thirty-three industry experts, consider a combination of design excellence, value and overall quality of living. The criteria include the floor plans, exterior elevations, sales dollars per foot of finished area, innovative use of space, market acceptance, land planning and overall craftsmanship.
2008—Arts District Hyattsville—"Best Mixed Use Design"
2008—National Park Seminary—"Innovative Product Line—English Tudor"
2008—National Park Seminary—"Best Attached Housing—The Stratton"
2008—National Park Seminary—"Best Attached Housing—The Forsythe"
2008—National Park Seminary—"Innovative Infill Land Planning"
2007—Arts District Hyattsville—"Best Site Land Planning"
2007—Arts District Hyattsville—"Best Attached Housing—The Adams"
2007—Arts District Hyattsville—"Best Attached Housing—The LaFarge"
2007—Arts District Hyattsville—"Best Mixed Use Development"
2007—Arts District Hyattsville—"Best Implementation of an Innovative Product Line—The Blake"
2007—Centerpointe—"Best Green Building"
2007—Centerpointe—"Best Outstanding Feature—Loft"
2007—Centerpointe—"Best Attached Housing—The Belmont"
2007—National Park Seminary—"Best Site Land Planning"
2007—National Park Seminary—"Best Attached Housing—The Stratton"
2007—National Park Seminary—"Best Implementation of an Innovative Product Line—Spanish Mission"
2006—Park Potomac—"Community of the Year"
2006—Park Potomac—"Best Attached Housing over $1,500,000"
2006—Arts District Hyattsville—"Best Site Land Planning 10-50 Acres"
2006—Park Potomac—"Special Achievements in Affordable Housing"
2005—Chatham Square—"Best Innovative Infill Land Planning 4 to 5 acres"
2005—Chatham Square—"Award of Merit—Special Achievements in Affordable Housing"
2005—Potomac Greens—"Award of Merit—Best Attached Housing over $800,000"
2004—Bryan Square—"Best Innovative Infill Land Planning 2 to 3 acres"
2004—The Brownstones at Wheaton Metro—"Best Innovative Infill Land Planning 6 to 9 acres"
2004—Bryan Square—"Award of Merit—Best Attached Housing over $700,000"
2004—The Brownstones at Wheaton Metro—"Best Attached Housing from $550,000 to $600,000"
2003—Bryan Square—"Best Implementation of Innovative Design concepts for a Product Lines"
2003—Fallsgrove—"Award of Merit Best Single Family Homes on lots under 7000 Sq.Ft. Sales Price over $650,000"
2003—Fallsgrove—"Award of Merit Best Attached Housing Sales Price $350,001—$400,000"
2003—Bryan Square—"Honorable Mention Best Attached Housing Sales Price over $600,000"
2003—Bryan Square—"Award of Merit Innovative Infill Land Planning 2-3 Acres"
2003—Brownstones at Wheaton—"Award of Merit 9C Innovative Infill Land Planning 3.01-5 Acres."
2002—Fallsgrove—"Best Single Family Homes on lots over 7000 Sq.Ft. Sales Price over $525,000"
2002—Fallsgrove—"Best Attached Housing Sales Price $400,001—$475,000"
2002—Fallsgrove—"Best Attached Housing Sales Price $475,000—$525,000"
2002—Strathmore Park—"Best New Condominium over $400,001"
2002—Clarendon Park—Best Site Land Planning under 15 acres"
2002—Fallsgrove—"Best Site Land Planning 126-250 acres"
2002—Braddock Loft—"Best Implementation of Innovative Design Concepts for a Product Line"
2002—Clarendon Park—"Award of Merit—Implementation of Innovative Design Concepts for a Product Line"
2001—Clarendon Park—"Best Attached Housing, Sales Price from $400,000—$500,000"
2001—Clarendon Park—"Best Attached Housing Sales Price over $500,000"
2001—Carlyle City Residence—"Implementation of Innovative Design Concepts for a Product Line"
2001—Harrison Square—"Award of Merit—Attached Housing over $500,000"
2001—Clarendon Park—"Honorable Mention—Site Land Planning"
2000—Capitol Square—"Best Site Plan under 15 Acres"
2000—Harrison Square—"Award of Merit—Best Site Plan under 15 Acres"
2000—Capitol Square—"Best Attached Housing—$400,000—$500,000"
2000—Monument Place—"Best Attached Housing over $500,000"
2000—Capitol Square—"Award of Merit—Best Attached Housing—$350,000—$400,000"
1999—Custom Residence—"Best Custom Home"
1999—Westwood Village—"Best Site Plan 15—50 Acres"
1999—Cameron Hill—"Award of Merit—Best Site Plan under 15 Acres"
1998—Old Town Village—" Best Site Land Planning, 15 to 50 Acres"
1998—Old Town Village—"Best Attached Housing over $400,000"
1998—Ford's Landing—"Best Site Land Planning, 5 to 15 Acres"
1998—Old Town Village—"Honorable Mention—Implementation of Innovative Design Concepts for a Product Line"
1997—Old Town Village—" Best Site Land Planning, 15 to 50 Acres"
1997—Old Town Village—"Best Attached Housing $300,000 to $400,000
1997—Ford's Landing—"Best Attached Housing, over $400,000"
1997—Ford's Landing—"Award of Merit—Best Attached Housing over $400,000"
1997—Ford's Landing—"Award of Merit—"Best Site Land Planning, up to 15 Acres"
1997—Old Town Village—"Honorable Mention—Implementation of Innovative Design Concepts for a Product Line"
1996—Courthouse Hill—"Best Site Land Planning, up to 25 Acres"
1996—Courthouse Hill—"Best New Condominium/Co-op over $200,000"
1995—Palisades Park—Special Award Judges Choice: "Best Community"
1995—Palisades Park—"Best Attached Housing $350,000 to $500,000"
1995—Palisades Park—"Best Site Land Planning up to 25 Acres"
1995—The Hamptons at Stonegate—"Best Attached Housing $250,000 to $350,000"
1994—Rivergate—"Best Attached Housing $500,000 and above"
1994—Rivergate—"Award of Merit—Site Land Planning up to 25 Acres"
1994—The Manors at Stonegate—"Best New Condominium/Co-op $140,000 to $180,000"
1993—The Manors at Stonegate—"Best New Condominium/Co-op $140,000 to $180,000"
1993—The Villages of Stonegate—"Best Site Land Planning up to 25 Acres"
Major Achievement in Marketing Excellence Awards (MAME) are sponsored annually by the Northern Virginia, Suburban Maryland, and Washington, D.C. Builders Associations to acknowledge the best interior merchandising of model homes, the best sales offices, the best product brochures, and excellence in other marketing categories. The awards are given in May of each year for the previous year.
2007—Park Potomac—Randy Anthony—Salesperson of the Year—Townhomes $700,000+
2007—National Park Seminary—Anthony Procaccini and Sylvia Mader—Finalist—Best Sales/Construction Team
2007—Arts District Hyattsville—Best Sales Office Presentation
2007—Arts District Hyattsville—Best Interior Merchandising $425,000 to $500,000
2007—National Park Seminary—Best Interior Merchandising $575,000 to $750,000
2007—National Park Seminary—Forsythe Model—Best Interior Merchandising $750,000+
2006—Park Potomac—"Winner, Community of the Year"
2006—National Park Seminary—"Best Community Brochure, Less than 250 units"
2006—Arts District Hyattsville—"Best Community Brochure, 250-500 units"
2006—Park Potomac—"Best Merchandised Attached House over $1.1 million"
2006—National Park Seminary—"Salesperson of the Year, Attached New Home Sales over $700,000"
2005—Park Potomac—"Best Interior Merchandising Attached Home over $1,300,000"
2005—Potomac Green—"Salesperson of the Year, Attached New Home Sales Attached over $700,000"
2005—Potomac Green—"Washington Area Top Salesperson of the Year"
2004 -Chatham Square—"Salesperson of the Year, Attached New Home Sales Attached over $700,000"
2004—Chatham Square—"Winner, Best Community of the Year, 300 Units or Less"
2004—Park Potomac—"Award of Merit, Best Sales Office Pavilion, Double Wide Trailer,"
2003—Brownstones at Wheaton—"Salesperson of the Year, Attached New Home Sales $375,000 to $500,000"
2002—Bryan Square—"Best Community Brochure, Sales Price over $250,000"
2002—Bryan Square—"Best Sales Office Pavilion"
2002—Fallsgrove—"Best Interior Merchandising Attached Home, Sales Price $350,000—$450,000"
2002—EYA—"Award of Merit, "Best Website, Regional Builder"
2002—Fallsgrove—"Award of Merit, Best Interior Merchandising Attached Home, Sales Price over $450,000"
2002—Fallsgrove—"Award of Merit, Best Interior Merchandising Detached Home, Sales Price over $550,000—$650,000"
2001—Braddock Lofts—"Exceptional Sales Effort"
2001—Clarendon Park—"Salesperson of the Year-Attached New Homes Sales, Over $500,000"
2001—Fallsgrove—"Salespersons of the Year, New Homes Sales Team (Two or More Sales People)"
2001—Clarendon Park—"Washington Area Top Salesperson of the Year"
2000—Clarendon Park—"Award of Merit—Best Sales Office Pavilion, Double Wide Trailer or Larger"
2000—Fallsgrove—"Best Sales Office Pavilion, Double Wide Trailer"
2000—Capitol Square—"Salesperson of the Year, Attached $275,000—$350,000"
2000—Harrison Square—"Salesperson of the Year, Attached $225,000—$275,000"
2000—Harrison Square—"Washington Area Top Salesperson of the Year"
1999—Capitol Square—"Best Community Brochure, Sales Price over $250,000"
1999—Capitol Square—"Best Sales Office Pavilion, Double Wide Trailer"
1999—Cameron Hill—"Exceptional Sales Effort Award"
1999—Westwood Village—"Salesperson of the Year, Attached Housing over $275,000"
1998—EYA—"Marketing Director of the Year"
1997—Old Town Village—"Best Flyer/Publication Insert"
1997—Ford's Landing—"Best Radio Commercial"
1997—EYA—"Best Web Site"
1997—Old Town Village—"Best Interior Merchandising Attached Home, Sales Price $250,000—$300,0000"
1997—Old Town Village—"Best Interior Merchandising Attached Home, Sales Price $300,000—$350,000"
1997—Old Town Village—"Best Model Presentation of an Attached Community"
1997—Old Town Village—"Salesperson of the Year, Attached over $300,000"
1997—Old Town Village—"Washington Area Top Salesperson of the Year"
1996—Old Town Village—"Best Community Brochure Sales Price Under $250,000"
1996—Ford's Landing—"Best Community Brochure Sales Price over $250,000"
1996—Ford's Landing—"Award of Merit—Best Sales Office Pavilion Over 600 Square Feet"
1996—Courthouse Hill—Finalist—"Salesperson Of The Year Attached New Homes Sales Price $130,000—$160,000"
1996—Ford's Landing—Finalist—"Salesperson Of The Year for Attached New Homes Sales Price Over $300,000"
1996—Ford's Landing—"Washington Area Top Salesperson Of The Year"
1995—EYA—"Award of Merit—Best Television/Video Commercial"
1995—Courthouse Hill—"Best Community Brochure, Sales Price Over $250,000"
1995—Courthouse Hill—"Best Community Brochure Multi-Family"
1995—Courthouse Hill—" Award of Merit—Best Interior Merchandising, Attached $275,000-$350,000"
1995—Courthouse Hill—Finalist—"Salesperson Of The Year, Attached Home Over $125,000-$175,000"
1995—Palisades Park—"Best Interior Merchandising, Attached Over $350,000"
1995—Palisades Park—Finalist—"Salesperson Of The Year, Attached Home Over $250,000"
1995—The Hamptons at Stonegate—" Best Interior Merchandising, Attached $225,000-$275,000"
1994—Palisades Park—"Best Sales Office Over 600 Square Feet"
1994—Palisades Park—"Best Project Brochure, Sales Price Over $250,000"
1994—Palisades Park—Finalist—"Salesperson Of The Year, Attached Home Over $250,000"
1993—Rivergate—"Best Project Brochure, Sales Price Over $250,000"
1993—Rivergate—"Best Sales Office Over 500 Square Feet"
1993—The Mews at Stonegate—"Best Interior Merchandising, Attached $190,000-$250,000"
1993—The Manors at Stonegate—"Best Interior Merchandising, Attached $130,000-$190,000"
2023 Trailblazer Award—Bob Youngentob
The Entrepreneur Of The Year Institute program was founded by Ernst & Young to celebrate the accomplishments of business entrepreneurs around the world and to make the general public more aware of the beneficial contributions these entrepreneurs have made to our society.
Washington Metropolitan Area—Real Estate
Terry Eakin and Bob Youngentob
Eakin/Youngentob Associates, Inc.
Professional Builder and Professional Remodeler Magazine invites builders, remodelers and architects to nominate their company as one of the 101 Best Companies to Work For in the Residential Construction Industry in the country. The process involves employee taking a survey where a correlation analysis determines how to weight each of the 11 factors—corporate culture, job satisfaction, workplace trust, respect, pride, camaraderie, compensation, fairness, communication, training and customer satisfaction. With 450 applicants and choosing 101, Eakin/Youngentob was rated number 4.
Eakin/Youngentob Associates, Inc.
2019 "40 Under 40" Award—McLean Quinn
2015 Best Real Estate Deals Of The Year
The Oronoco
2011 Best Real Estate Deals Of The Year
Capitol Quarter—"Community Impact"
2010 CFO Of The Year Award—Winner (Real Estate): Frank Connors
1997 Best Real Estate Deals Of The Year
Ford's Landing—"Best New Development/Residential"
Courts of Chevy Chase—"Best New Development/Retail-Mixed-Use"
2007 Best Places To Work
Courthouse Hill—"First Award—Design"
Bryan Square—"Outstanding Community Development"
Chatham Square—"Winner—2007 Charter Awards Program"
Winner—Outstanding Efforts in Multi-Family, Centerpointe
Winner—Outstanding Site Superintendent, Centerpointe
2021—Winner—Community Leader Award, Sustainable Business of the Year, EYA
2021—Winner—Housing Excellence Awards, Multifamily Project of the Year, Robinson Landing
2023—Winner—Maryland Awards of Excellence (MAX), Best Clubhouse Architecture, The CORE at Tower Oaks
2018—Winner—Land Development Awards, Excellence in Community Development, Montgomery Row
2016—Winner—Land Development Awards, Community of the Year, Grosvenor Heights
2016—Winner—Land Development Awards, Developers of the Year, Frank Connors and Bob Youngentob
2014—Winner—Land Development Awards, Excellence in Community Development, Little Falls Place
2013—Winner—Large Volume Builder of the Year
2022—Robinson Landing—Alexandria Architecture Award
2016—The Oronoco—Excellence in Architecture Award
2014—Winner—Green Building, Little Falls Place
2013—Winner—Green Building, Chancellor's Row
2008—Winner—Green Building, Arts District Hyattsville
2007—Winner—Green Building, Centerpointe
Honors organizations for outstanding contributions to affordable housing in Montgomery County.
2016—Builder of the Year
2022—"Outstanding Developer" at Robinson Landing
"Outstanding Private Archaeology Project" at Ford's Landing, Stonegate & Old Town Village
The Lustine Center at Arts District Hyattsville—2008 Preservation Project Award
2010 ECO CEO Finalist: Bob Youngentob
First Annual Inductee: 1886 Society: Arts District Hyattsville and EYA
2013 Governor's Award: Old Town Commons, Best Mixed Income Project
2023 Best Suburban Maryland Mid-Rise Apartment Community, The Laureate
2021 Best Washington/Baltimore Condominium Community, Robinson Landing
2014 Best Mid-Atlantic Adaptive Reuse, The Oronoco Waterfront Residences
2013 Best Mid-Atlantic Neighborhood Impact Condominium Community, Old Town Commons
Co-sponsored by the MNCBIA and NVBIA, the PROS Awards recognize and honor excellence in construction and homebuilding customer service, with a focus on construction knowledge, quality, scope of work and relationships with customers and homebuyers.
2012 Best Production Manager, 61–120 Units TH
Winner, Mark King, EYA
2012 Best Project Manager/Superintendent, 121+ Units TH
Winner, Brad Wilson, EYA
2012 Best Land Development/Superintendent, 101–300 Units
Winner, Bill Dowd, EYA
2012 Best Land Development/Superintendent, 21–100 Units
Winner, Tony Shumate, EYA
2012 Best Customer Service Rep-Office, 121+ Units TH
Winner, Linda Turnbow, EYA
2012 Best Office Professional, Accounts Payable
Runner Up, Mary Myers, EYA
2012 Best Office Professional, Settlement Coordinator
Winner, Carol O'Keefe, EYA
2013 Best Purchasing Agent/Manager, 101-300 Units
Winner, Paul DeVerger, EYA
2013 Best Purchasing Agent/Manager, 101-300 Units
Award of Merit, Jason Martin, EYA
2013 Best Field Technician, 61-120 Units TH
Winner, Fredis Hernandez
2013 Best Production Manager, 61-120 Units TH
Award of Merit, Ben Frick
2013 Best Office Professional, Permits
Award of Merit, Teena Huang
2013 Best LD Superintendent, 21-100 Units
Award of Merit, Matt Thorne
2014 Best Office Professional - Settlements Coordinator
Winner, Meriana Ayoub
2017 Best Customer Service Manager/Office, 121+ Units TH
Winner, Linda Turnbow
2017 Best Purchasing Agent, 1-20 Units
Winner, Tim Shaver
2024—Washington Business Journal: Diversity in Business Honoree & Power 100 - Aakash Thakkar
2022—Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington: Real Estate Impact Award - Bob Youngentob
2022—March of Dimes: Heroines of Washington Award Finalist, Real Estate Category - Milli Arakawa
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