Conversation and news about smart growth, green building, and DC's best city living hot spots.
Architecture | Green Building | technology | EYA
Colleen McGrew
June 21st, 2019
When you hear the word ‘wellness’ what springs to mind? An unplugged weekend long yoga retreat with morning meditation circles? Putting on soothing music, lighting a candle, and slipping into a warm bubble bath after a long day?
Company News | EYA | D.C. Area
EYA Homes
May 29th, 2019
The Washington Business Journal has named McLean Quinn, president of EYA LLC, to their "40 under 40" list of the most influential young professionals in the Washington metro region. This distinction honors the region's brightest young business leaders who demonstrate both community leadership as well as professional accomplishments. McLean's strategic visioning, collaborative style, and innovative perspective is increasingly relied upon by EYA and its many private and public partners, and he and EYA are proud of the WBJ's generous recognition.
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EYA Homes
May 15th, 2019
Since 1992, EYA LLC (EYA) has built it’s name and reputation introducing innovative, walkable neighborhoods in a variety of urban settings across the Washington DC metro area. Looking to the future and preparing for new opportunities in the years to come, the company is committed to developing a leadership team that will ensure long-term success. To guide this growth, two strategic promotions have been announced.
Dining | Recreation | Company News | Old Town Alexandria | Robinson Landing | EYA
EYA Homes
March 19th, 2019
Alexandria, Virginia, March 19, 2019 — Momentum continues at Robinson Landing in Old Town as the first condominium building rises above ground, nearly half of the townhomes are occupied or ready for move-in and plans for onsite dining to be operated by Alexandria Restaurant Partners (ARP) have been approved by the City of Alexandria.
Architecture | Design | Grosvenor Heights | Westside at Shady Grove Metro | Company News | Montgomery Row | The Brownstones at Chevy Chase Lake | Robinson Landing | EYA
EYA Homes
February 27th, 2019
EYA team members recently attended the International Builders' Show (IBS) in Las Vegas to learn more about the latest products and trends in home building and design. Some of this year's cool new trends include eye-catching colors, sleek designs and a focus on functionality. Here are just a few of our team's favorite new products.
Awards | Design | Company News | Chevy Chase Lake | The Brownstones at Chevy Chase Lake | Robinson Landing | EYA
EYA Homes
February 21st, 2019
The International Builders' Show (IBS) is the building industry's largest event, where professionals in the field gather to explore the most innovative new products and attend education sessions led by home building's leading experts. The Nationals Awards ceremony is held during IBS and we were thrilled to receive two awards.