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Why townhomes are the smart choice for homeowners, cities and the environment

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Why townhomes are the smart choice for homeowners, cities and the environment Blog Feature

By: EYA Homes on November 13th, 2024

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For over 30 years, EYA has understood the benefits of townhome living and has built more than 6,000 new townhomes across the greater Washington D.C. area. And while our homeowners have long known that townhomes can offer a low-maintenance lifestyle with walkability to nearby amenities and a strong sense of community among neighbors, a recent article in the Washington Post titled "The new American Dream should be a townhouse" offers perspective on why townhomes are not only a good choice for homebuyers, but for cities and the environment as well.

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in DC, MD and VA

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Townhomes: The "Missing Middle"

For generations, the American Dream has revolved around homeownership, often depicted as a large home in the suburbs with a yard. Yet for many, this may no longer be "the dream" and are opting for a lifestyle with less maintenance (no big yard to mow) and value walkability and community as must-haves. 

As described in the Washington Post article, townhomes present a compelling choice—the perfect middle ground between sprawling suburban homes and dense urban high-rises. Townhomes can provide more space than a typical condominium with a similar feel to a single-family home (private front door and garage, several levels of living space, outdoor areas such as rear yards or terraces, etc), yet they tend to be more affordable than detached homes.

EYA new townhomes

Why Homeowners Choose Townhomes

Shifting Preferences and Modern Living
Changing needs and preferences are driving an increased desire for townhomes. The article points out that townhomes are no longer considered "starter homes" only for young couples or first-time buyers. Today, they appeal to a wide variety of demographics, from working professionals with young children to empty nesters. People are increasingly drawn to the low-maintenance and communal aspects of townhome living, preferring vibrant neighborhoods with onsite amenities such as parks with seating areas, walking trails, and close-by shops, restaurants and transit just a short walk away.

EYA new townhomes

Focus on Community
At EYA, we take great pride in not only creating beautiful living spaces, but also designing neighborhoods that bring people together. This may be done in various ways from creating new parks and playgrounds where kids can meet new friends to designing welcoming front porches where neighbors can greet and get to know each other. For many, being part of a community is an important factor in wellbeing and happiness and neighborhood communities are among the most important ways that people find lasting personal connections. Our approach has always been about more than just building homes; it’s about fostering connections and ensuring that residents thrive in dynamic, well-designed environments.

As the Washington Post article mentions, there is growing demand for communities that feature onsite amenities and shared resources where you can meet neighbors and enjoy open spaces without the burden of having to take care of them. EYA has a long history of recognizing the value of bringing people together and creating opportunities for meaningful interactions through shared communal spaces and smart design. 


Desire for Walkability & Healthy Lifestyle
Another appealing feature of close-in townhome living for many is the walkability. While many in suburban communities are car dependent, living in a walkable neighborhood can provide more opportunities to walk or cycle to work, and offer a healthier lifestyle of getting in your steps while walking to meet friends at a restaurant or doing your daily shopping. Selecting a new home and deciding how you want to live is a big decision. And more and more people are prioritizing walkability as a key factor in their decision. 

Benefits for Cities & the Environment

The article states that an estimated 3 to 7 million more homes are needed to meet demand across the country. And not just more homes, more affordable homes. Townhome construction is at the highest level since 2006, and they are in demand. Local jurisdictions can help address the housing shortage in their communities by supporting and encouraging this type of denser housing development, offering not just more housing opportunities, but more affordable opportunities when compared to the average single-family home. 

EYA new townhomes

Townhomes can also provide environmental benefits. While many residents in suburban communities remain car-dependent, close-in townhome communities near transit and amenities can help reduce dependency on cars. The article states that "suburbanites produce about 50 percent more transportation emissions per person than those in higher-density neighborhoods." 

It also states that townhomes typically use 30% less energy than a single-family home as shared walls require less energy to heat and cool than stand-alone buildings (source: U.S. Energy Information Administration). 


The article closes by saying that while the American Dream remains, "Keeping that dream alive for millennials, Gen Z and beyond requires right-sizing it by building more apartments, condos, duplexes and, especially, townhouses."

For over 30 years, EYA has understood and delivered on the benefits of this "missing middle" housing type, building award-winning townhomes in the greater Washington, D.C. area that blend a modern urban lifestyle with sustainable living appealing to today's buyers. Click here to learn more about EYA's new townhome communities. 

Click here to read the Washington Post article, "The new American Dream should be a townhouse."


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